About Us

Empowering local communities, creating long lasting linkages.

Guesthouses Lebanon is a vibrant community committed to authentic living, rural development, and expert guidance. Our mission is to empower Lebanese communities, with a special focus on guesthouses, guest tables, and hosts, enabling them to curate personalized, cultural, and intimate travel experiences for both tourists and locals alike. Through our comprehensive directory, visitors go beyond the role of mere spectators, transforming into witnesses and active participants in the rich tapestry of Lebanese culture, cuisine, nature, and heritage.

Meet the team

Nour Azzi

Nour Azzi

Founder of Guesthouses Lebanon
Managing Partner Le Passeport Culinaire

Marianne Abou Jaoude

Marianne Abou Jaoude

Founder and Managing Director
Le Passeport Culinaire

Pascal Abdallah

Pascal Abdallah

Expert and Consultant in Responsible Tourism Development

Francesca el Asmar

Francesca el Asmar

Gender and Protection Expert

Joanne Raad

Joanne Raad

Communications Manager

Lara Hdayed

Lara Hdayed

Architecture Engineer & Project Manager

Rana Azzi

Rana Azzi

UI UX Web Designer

... and our beloved hosts

the essence of our Guesthouses Lebanon community, whose warmth and dedication make every booking memorable

Media and Press

Memorandum of Understanding signature with Lebanon’s Ministry of Tourism

This officially marks the launch of our project "Reinforcing the Business Enabling Environment of Guesthouses and Guest…

Guesthouses Lebanon: From Early Beginnings to Future Plans

In the heart of Lebanon's rich cultural tapestry lies a visionary initiative that has reshaped the landscape of Lebanese…

Guesthouses in Lebanon: A Full Ecosystem

Lebanon has long been a haven for travelers seeking authentic and immersive experiences. While its bustling cities and lively…

On Guesthouses, Guest Tables, and Sustainable Development in Rural Tourism

When it comes to modern travel, a quiet revolution is shaping the contours of sustainable and responsible tourism. Pascal…

How Guesthouses in Lebanon are Redefining Rural Tourism through Authentic Lodging and Culinary Experiences

With an ever-evolving landscape, rural tourism in Lebanon is growing in popularity, and the innovative initiative Le Passeport…

Empowering Lebanon's Hospitality Sector: A Collaborative Journey

In August 2022, an ambitious initiative took flight as the Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) project, funded by the…

The Experience of a Guesthouse

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the rolling hills of Lebanon's countryside, you arrive…

The Experience of a Guest Table

Traveling to a new country means making new discoveries, meeting new people, and eating new foods. And while restaurant…

Guest Tables- “Table d’Hôte” and Community Tables: Authentic, Familial Cuisine that Nourishes the Soul

In a fast-paced world centered around urbanism and the hustle culture, Guesthouses Lebanon offers a much-needed reprieve…

Why Choosing Guesthouses Over Other Types of Alternative Lodging is the Right Choice for You

In the realm of travel, where experiences define the journey, the choice of lodging holds a pivotal role. When faced with…

Top Lebanese Guesthouse Success Stories: Tales of Hospitality Triumphs

In recent years, authentic tourism has been rising in popularity, as visitors worldwide seek more intimate experiences over…

Memorandum of Understanding signature with Lebanon’s Ministry of Tourism

This officially marks the launch of our project "Reinforcing the Business Enabling Environment of Guesthouses and Guest Tables in Lebanon for Increased Competitiveness and Profitability" This officially marks the launch of our project "Reinforcing the Business Enabling Environment of Guesthouses and Guest Tables in Lebanon for Increased Competitiveness and Profitability" This officially marks the launch of our project "Reinforcing the Business Enabling Environment of Guesthouses and Guest Tables in Lebanon for Increased Competitiveness and Profitability"

Guesthouses Lebanon: From Early Beginnings to Future Plans

In the heart of Lebanon's rich cultural tapestry lies a visionary initiative that has reshaped the landscape of Lebanese tourism by nurturing authentic connections between travelers and local communities. Guesthouses Lebanon, a labor of love born from the passion and dedication of the agriculture engineer and rural development expert Nour Azzi, has emerged as a community for immersive cultural experiences, transcending conventional tourism norms.

Guesthouses in Lebanon: A Full Ecosystem

Lebanon has long been a haven for travelers seeking authentic and immersive experiences. While its bustling cities and lively urban life often take the spotlight, the country's rural areas hold a treasure trove of unique encounters waiting to be discovered. This burgeoning interest in exploring the lesser-trodden paths has given rise to rural tourism — a concept that celebrates the charm and allure of countryside landscapes, local traditions, and community immersion.

On Guesthouses, Guest Tables, and Sustainable Development in Rural Tourism

When it comes to modern travel, a quiet revolution is shaping the contours of sustainable and responsible tourism. Pascal Abdallah, President of the Union of Sustainable and Ecotourism Institutions in Lebanon (USEIL) and Expert in Sustainable Tourism, and Omar Sakr, Lebanon Mountain Trail Association (LMTA) Executive Director and Senior Lecturer and Practitioner in Hospitality, offer a compelling narrative about the relationship between guesthouses and guest tables and sustainable development within rural tourism. Both experts were involved in the joint initiative between USAID’s Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) project and Le Passeport Culinaire, which aimed at improving the operational conditions for guesthouses and guest tables, promoting responsible tourism, and enabling them to enhance their capabilities through a series of workshops and a complete overhaul of the relevant decree.

But first, what is a guest table and its subcategories, “Table d’Hôte” and community tables?

Lebanon has seen an accelerated shift towards rural, authentic, and experiential tourism post COVID-19. This transition, underscored by heightened awareness among younger generations regarding environmental conservation and heritage preservation, signals a new dawn for responsible and sustainable tourism practices.

So, what are sustainable tourism and responsible tourism?

Sustainable and responsible tourism, according to Abdallah, embody not just attitudes but imperatives—a methodology that must be woven into the fabric of tourism practices. Both fall under the umbrella of sustainable development, catering to the triple bottom line encompassing nature and conservation, culture and society, and the economy. The focal point lies in aligning tourism with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, understanding that achieving absolute sustainability might be unattainable but tirelessly working towards it is indispensable.

Central to this ethos is the division between responsible tourism and sustainable tourism, the transformative power of which finds its most poignant resonance in rural communities, long neglected in favor of landmark-centric tourism. Abdallah and Sakr highlight the vital link between these principles and rural areas, emphasizing that a failure to integrate sustainable and responsible practices can significantly undermine these communities.

How can we distinguish sustainable tourism from responsible tourism?

Responsible tourism leans towards the consumer, or the guest, emphasizing the role of tourists, while sustainable tourism becomes the responsibility of the service providers of the tourism experience.

Where service providers should promote sustainable tourism through their practices (such as conservation, and environmentally friendly actions and activities), they should also be raising awareness in their guests by directing them to more authentic and cultural experiences, particularly in rural communities.

Guests, on the other hand, should practice responsible tourism by engaging with the communities they’re visiting, buying local products and handicrafts, supporting small local businesses, and choosing guesthouses and guest tables over hotels and franchises when looking for authentic experiences. And as visitor numbers surge, the delicate balance between responsible guidelines and mass tourism becomes paramount, safeguarding heritage and culture.

And while the increased interest in rural tourism has shined a light on guesthouses and guest tables, their impact on the sector has been immensely significant, through bolstering employment within the community, and highlighting local foods and heritage. Unlike larger hospitality chains, guesthouses and guest tables are run by local residents or families deeply rooted in their regions. This proximity to the community ensures that job opportunities directly benefit the locals. From maintenance to cooking, or guiding guests toward local businesses and attractions, neighbors support guesthouse operations in a multitude of ways.

In essence, rural tourism in Lebanon strongly underlines the potent fusion of authenticity and sustainability. It offers a respite from urban chaos, unveiling a realm where visitors rediscover their roots, basking in the authenticity of rural life while invigorating these communities through a multitude of novel experiences—from adventure tourism to immersive agricultural activities.

Ultimately, Pascal Abdallah and Omar Sakr’s vision champions a holistic approach, uniting governments, municipalities, experts, service providers, and tourists in a collective effort to embody responsible and sustainable tourism—where every stakeholder plays a pivotal role in creating a brighter, more sustainable future for travel.

This article is part of a joint project between the Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) activity, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Le Passeport Culinaire to strengthen guesthouses and guest tables in Lebanon and enhance their competitiveness.

The content of this article is the sole responsibility of Le Passeport Culinaire S.A.R.L. and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID and the United States Government.

How Guesthouses in Lebanon are Redefining Rural Tourism through Authentic Lodging and Culinary Experiences

With an ever-evolving landscape, rural tourism in Lebanon is growing in popularity, and the innovative initiative Le Passeport Culinaire, along with its sub-brand Guesthouses Lebanon, are helping reshape perspectives around guesthouses and authentic travel. This dynamic collaboration aims to redefine traditional lodging experiences and elevate them into culinary adventures that celebrate the essence of Lebanon’s rural charm.

Empowering Lebanon's Hospitality Sector: A Collaborative Journey

In August 2022, an ambitious initiative took flight as the Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), partnered with Le Passeport Culinaire to launch a series of workshops aimed at empowering hosts across Lebanon. The core objective was to enhance the business environment for guesthouses and guest tables, creating a robust framework that would elevate the standards and capacities of these lodging

The Experience of a Guesthouse

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the rolling hills of Lebanon's countryside, you arrive at your destination. A tranquil guesthouse surrounded by green grass and colorful gravel. The perfume of wildflowers and the faint aroma of traditional Lebanese herbs scent the air. A welcoming smile softens the face of a woman, your host, whose presence seems to embody the very essence of Lebanese hospitality.

The Experience of a Guest Table

Traveling to a new country means making new discoveries, meeting new people, and eating new foods. And while restaurant and bar hopping has its own charm, guest tables, a concept introduced by Le Passeport Culinaire in Lebanon and funded by USAID’s TIF project, offer culinary experiences that immerse you in a world of cultural richness and flavorful traditions. Welcome to the cherished realm of the guest table, where every meal is not just a dish but a narrative cooked with care, love, and heritage.

Guest Tables- “Table d’Hôte” and Community Tables: Authentic, Familial Cuisine that Nourishes the Soul

In a fast-paced world centered around urbanism and the hustle culture, Guesthouses Lebanon offers a much-needed reprieve from the business of everyday life. Under this project, Le Passeport Culinaire introduced the concept of guest table experiences, allowing guests to connect to a new culture, land, and people. Here’s the story of two tables, each in a corner of Lebanon, and the secret behind their success today.

But first, what is a guest table and its subcategories, “Table d’Hôte” and community tables?

Why Choosing Guesthouses Over Other Types of Alternative Lodging is the Right Choice for You

In the realm of travel, where experiences define the journey, the choice of lodging holds a pivotal role. When faced with various alternatives, guesthouses emerge as an anchor of authenticity, weaving a narrative that transcends conventional stays. Here’s why opting for guesthouses stands out as a quintessential choice for travelers seeking more than just a place to spend a good night’s sleep, and here’s where to go to book the perfect experience.

Top Lebanese Guesthouse Success Stories: Tales of Hospitality Triumphs

In recent years, authentic tourism has been rising in popularity, as visitors worldwide seek more intimate experiences over commercial itineraries. In Lebanon, many people have opened their homes to guests, and guesthouses and guest tables are taking the tourism game by storm, revolutionizing rural tourism and bringing people back to basics, back to the land, and to human connection. Exemplifying the success of guesthouses are the stories of three hosts whose dedication to Lebanese hospitality and warmth has turned their homes into little corners of heaven.